Professional Advisory Network
Bringing up-and-coming entrepreneurs together with the seasoned pros who can help them reach the next level
Our Professional Advisory Network (PAN) includes business owners, Fortune 500 execs, and other brilliant minds who span a diverse range of backgrounds and disciplines – and share a passion for small business. WBC members gain access to this next-level network.
Please select your potential role to learn more:

Gain the help of a strategic advisor
Would personalized advice from an experienced professional help you reach the next level in your business?
We have experts that can help with:
Personal Finance
Marketing & Branding
Sales & Customer Acquisition
Social Media
Business Strategy Development
Join the WBC and gain access to the Professional Advisory Network (PAN).
How the PAN works
Using a custom link, you'll schedule a business consulting session with a pro in your field, or the field you need help in. Sessions are in-person (or video chat, based on current health recommendations) and confidential, and will be provided pro-bono or at a reduced hourly rate.
Submit the inquiry below to learn more about the PAN and other WBC membership benefits.
Please complete this inquiry form to receive more information about ECDI Women's Business Centers and the Professional Advisory Network
This form is a request to receive information and/or receive an email from an ECDI/WBC team member.

Volunteer as a Strategic Advisor
Are you an experienced professional who's passionate about small businesses and the positive impact they have on our cities?
Consider giving back to your local community as a member of ECDI's Professional Advisory Network (PAN)!
Why volunteer?
Strengthen our Ohio neighborhoods by supporting diverse small businesses​. You'll grow personally and professionally while you gain recognition and respect as a business mentor in your community and network with other like-minded business professionals.
What does volunteering involve?
Provide confidential in-person (or video chat, based on current health recommendations) business consulting to small business clients, either pro-bono or at a reduced hourly rate. Appointments will be scheduled and coordinated by ECDI's staff, based on your time and service commitment abilities.​